Course Overview
Course Info
Vocal Recording focuses on recording technology to prepare a singer for a versatile career in the studio. Our founders and faculty have contributed to songs such as American Wedding (Frank Ocean), Hold On Longer (John Legend), and Mirrors (Justin Timberlake) that give them insider knowledge to the vocal recording process. This course provides singers with a foundation of the necessary concepts and terminology for recording vocals. Modern recording techniques will be explored and demonstrated, including the use of GarageBand, microphones, audio interfaces and best editing practices. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to record, edit and enhance their voice efficiently and effectively.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Identify the different sonic characteristics of microphones
Configure a home studio to record vocals
Use GarageBand to record vocals
Create a vocal comp
Use dynamic effects to control and enhance a vocal track
Export audio files for collaboration

Enrollment Options
Vocal Performance & Production Fundamentals
The 1500 Sound Academy Vocal program helps aspiring singers with their technique and fundamentals, performance abilities, recording processes and business operations. This performance-based program is well-suited for people who desire to hone their vocal craft, learn to record in GarageBand and stand out amongst the crowd.
There are two Enrollment Options:
Full Program (6 Courses). The full program costs $12,500 and includes six courses.
Individual Course(s). Choosing individual courses costs $2,250 per course.
Each course within the program is four weeks long. Enrollment in the entire program is six months in duration. Vocal Performance & Production Fundamentals courses are not offered online. Partial VA Benefits may be applied to the Vocal Performance & Production Fundamentals program. Financing options are available.